About Us
NACTRC began in 1999 as a collaboration between the University of Alberta and Alberta Health Services. Under this agreement we serve sponsors and investigators, increase studies and streamline processes, provide education, and are part of all clinical research between the university and AHS.
The management board includes the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, the Vice President of Research at AHS, the Vice President of Research at the University of Alberta, and other representatives named by AHS and the university. The role of this board is to help NACTRC meet its strategic goals.
Strategic Direction
The strategic objectives of NACTRC are:
- to develop a comprehensive clinical research administration, operation, and support framework localized for the University of Alberta and Alberta Health Services, Edmonton Zone;
- to implement systems to support and improve the quality, quantity, and efficiency of clinical research; and
- to expand clinical research support capacity.
Partner Organizations
Research Ethics Office
The University of Alberta’s Research Ethics Office (REO) supports and manages the ethics review and approval process for human research, as well as research, teaching, or testing that involves animals.
They protect research subjects by reducing the harms or risks they’re exposed to. This review is based on the idea that human subjects should be able to give free and informed consent for all treatments and procedures. We work with the REO to get the operational aspects of your research study approved.
Research Services Office
The Research Services Office (RSO) supports investigators and administrators by finding sources of funding, helping them apply for funds, and showing them how to manage financial awards. The RSO serves the University of Alberta and community, industry, and government agencies.
We work with the RSO to organize the legal and administrative aspects of your contracts and finances. This ensures a fast, seamless turnaround so you can access research funding and start your study more quickly.
Health Systems Access
Alberta Health Services’ Health System Access (HSA) works with Alberta’s academic institutions and affiliated research institutes and centres supporting health research.
If your research uses AHS property, resources, data, facilities, patients, or staff, you need an Operational Approval from each area or department that will be affected by the study. This approval is one of several is required to launch your study. The PRA team provides administrative services to help you access the resources you need.